Saturday, December 24, 2011

Red Raspberry Leaf tea/punch & popsicles

Red raspberry leaf tea has many benefits for 3rd trimester expectant mommas, but of course, consult your care provider to see if it's appropriate for you, don't sue me, etc. Here's a link where you can read about the uterine tonic and nutritional benefits of RRL tea.

My doula and monitrice friend Sarah Booten in Chicago (who is also the owner of In Bloom magazine) gave me this recipe for a tasty labor tea/punch that can also be used to make healthy labor popsicles. It has the herbal benefits (uterine tonic), nutritional bonus, and natural source of calories for energy in labor, minus the high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors and flavors in most popsicles.

Red Raspberry Leaf Labor Punch

Strong-brewed red raspberry leaf tea, 1 pitcher (any amount)
Equal amount of 100% apple juice (no sugar added)
Honey to taste, optional
1 lb. frozen red raspberries, crushed on kitchen counter when the bag is still sealed

I made 2 dozen labor popsicles and still had a substantially full iced tea pitcher of labor tea/punch. I hope you enjoy this recipe. It's a great drink or popsicle to take with you to the hospital or birth center, especially if your facility has restrictions on eating and drinking in labor. (I hope it does not, for a lot of reasons, explained here.)

Not pictured: 100% apple juice

1 comment:

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