Monday, May 7, 2012

6 y.o. son wants to be a lactation consultant (video)

My 6 year old son informed me that he wants to help mommies nurse their babies when he grows up. He has encouraged me as I nurse his baby brother, and he himself weaned at an age that we'll call "well into his toddler years."  He remembers nursing and I'm thankful that he knows that breastfeeding is the biological norm. I'm pretty sure that he isn't aware that an alternative feeding method exists.

He has heard me on the phone, consulting with moms who need breastfeeding info and support. When he started telling me what he wants to do when he grows up (in addition to the other things he wants to do when he grows up, like being a superhero, owning a bakery like on Cake Boss, and winning bike races), I recorded it and here's the result. It's heartwarming (to me, anyway) and too cute (in my biased, humble opinion.) He'll be a wonderful, supportive husband and daddy someday.

Have your kids ever talked about helping mommies learn to nurse?


  1. Love this! I'm proud of him (and you too!)

  2. Like Mommy, like son! I will be forever thankful for all the help and encouragement that you have been to me!
    ~Linda Martin

  3. our passions really do affect our children, in such postive ways! When my daughters see 'birth' on TV or in a movie and the woman is out of control and screaming, they look at me, before I can say anything, and tell me "we know, we know Mom, that is not how birth has to be". Love it!


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